Heal Plantar Fasciitis With Gatton Physiotherapy
A painful condition that occurs in the bottom of foot needs immediate attention if it is Plantar Fasciitis. Before we discuss the treatment and therapies for this condition, let’s know bit about this.
People suffering from Plantar Fasciitis experience pain across the bottom of foot and inflammation of a thick band tissue, which connects heel bone to toes. Don’t ignore your foot pain as it may worsen the condition due to delayed treatment. People in middle age or sports are more likely to go through this condition than others. An inflamed ligament is a common complaint of athletes and soldiers too.
This part of the foot helps you maintain arch height and gives a push to walk, run. If you’re suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, the firs symptom is pain and difficulty while walking.
Bulk Billing Physiotherapy By The Best Therapies to Recover From Plantar Fasciitis
Even the slightest physical activity can lead to pain in patients suffering from Plantar Fasciitis. Other factors that add to the bad condition are:
- Running
- Obesity
- Flat foot
- High Arch
We offer you the ease of bulk billing physiotherapy provided you meet all requisites. The treatment begins with a few physical tests and analysis. Several patients who are at the initial stages of Plantar Fasciitis recover too quickly but those who have been delaying witness increased pain. With right kind of therapies at right time you can minimize the pain in your foot. Book you appointment today with our therapists at Gatton Physiotherapy Clinic to get rid of your foot pain.